Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty Facebook. Created and produced by Funrise, "Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty" is animated TV series about a spirited and adorable kitty named Felicity who acquires magical powers. Created and produced by Funrise, "Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty" is animated TV series about a spirited and adorable kitty named Felicity who acquires magical powers.
Created and produced by Funrise, "Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty" is animated TV series about a spirited and adorable kitty named Felicity who acquires magical powers. Watch online and download Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty cartoon in high quality. Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty Editable Printable Invitation This listing is for a PRINTABLE digital file for printing at home NO physical item will be shipped out.
Created and produced by Funrise, "Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty" is animated TV series about a spirited and adorable kitty named Felicity who acquires magical powers.
A magical kitten has the ability to use her powers and transforms into a multicolored butterfly-unicorn hybrid.
Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty (officially shortened to RBUK) is a quite surreal American series created by Rich Magallanes that follows the everyday adventures of Felicity (Allegra Clark), a fearless, sassy rainbow-butterfly-unicorn-kitten hybrid with transformative powers that allow her to turn into. A PNG of Felicity from the new cartoon series, Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, Nickelodeon's own knock-off of Cartoon Network and Lego's Unikitty. Created and produced by Funrise, "Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty" is animated TV series about a spirited and adorable kitty named Felicity who acquires magical powers.